Wednesday, January 2, 2019

My Best Articles and Podcasts of 2018

With the end of 2018 drawing close, I always love to end the year with a quick review of some of my best content of the year!  I personally love reflecting back as I start planning for the new year, and it’s something I really recommend everyone do as well. In today’s article, I share a video of how I reflect back on the year and plan ahead to make the most of the upcoming new year.

As part of my reflection back on 2018, I also review my content for the past year.  I do it so I can think about what I want to do different in the upcoming year, but also to see what some of the most popular content was over the course of the year.

I also know this yearly post is always popular with my readers.

Check out my Best Articles and Podcasts of 2018, plus a sneak peak at what’s coming in 2019!

The post My Best Articles and Podcasts of 2018 appeared first on Mike Reinold.

My Best Articles and Podcasts of 2018 published first on

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